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Friday Favorites

April 3, 2020

, Friday Favorites!

Hi Everyone! It’s been a while, but I thought with the state of the world with everyone quarantining, it seemed like a good idea to reopen this outlet. So thus, I rejoin the blogging world and look forward to sharing more into my life. Today, I’m linking up with AndreaErika and Narci for their Friday Favorites linkup!

This week has been a whirlwind of getting going with Homeschooling for our first time. March 13 was our first day of quarantine after the girls’ got out of school that day at noon. Since then, for two weeks we were on our scheduled Spring Break. However, we were NOT on our scheduled Disney Cruise, which was canceled.

Thus, my Favorite #1 goes to … DISNEY BRAND of travel & our travel agent, Jo!

Walt Disney logo

You can check out her facebook here, too. She’s been such a rockstar with being available for us to reschedule our cruise. I wasn’t on hold for a minute. When requested, she planned an impromptu replacement trip to the Disney parks for us like magic. But then, that became an apparent bad idea and even the parks closed anyway, and she was again an ace at getting us canceled. I’ve made up my mind about rescheduling our park vacation for Georgina’s Fall Break, and she’s been super setting that up for us. She’s just amazing. I’ll never not use a travel agent again, even though I love geeking out on the details myself. It’s just easier as they are the true professionals and have access us end consumers just don’t have access to. Plus, don’t even get me started on how wonderful Disney+ is! #TheBest

My Favorite # 2 has been nightly family walks.

It’s been nice, although varied, weather here in Durham, and we’ve had a renewed use for our sturdy old double stroller. The girls, even at 6 & 4, have been loving being chariot’d about. Fred pops up the stroller on the set of back wheels and they shriek and giggle in delight. Going down hills, Weaza yells “Run fasta, Momma, Fasta!” and wants me to shove the stroller as fast as it’ll safely go downhill for them.

Favorite #3 definitely goes to my new obsession with Chik-Fil-A and their incomparable Lemonade.

I’ve been buying size Large, no ice, and enjoying them over the course of a whole day or two. I went in for a full gallon this last trip. Jury is out on whether it’s as good as the

Favorite #4 goes to House Plants!

With being in quarantine, one of the local nurseries was running a “quick pickup” special and posting their plants out on a list. For locals – that’s Gunter’s Greenhouse near Hwy 70 and Miami Blvd in Durham. I picked up loads of annuals and some more houseplants. Then, I was at Harris Teeter (!) and saw the biggest most amazing palm trees on special for $21.99. I had to buy one, even thought I felt there was a chance it was covered in COVID19, it still seemed like a great steal. I brought it home and now am even more astonished at how much space it takes up.

And finally, Favorite #5 goes to New Growth. We’ve all been tested and in some unusual ways lately. It’s brought the world together in myriad ways. It’s been so fascinating seeing the way people around the globe have been connecting with each other by sharing their own talents, activities or antics during this “Corona Season.” But here’s some other new growth that’s been fun to watch:

The ZZ Plant on the left is in our bedroom and it’s just been overtaken with these massively tall fresh green shoots that have been unfurling. Then, on the left is a Croton that I was absolutely was dead. I was talking to my brother’s girlfriend, Kristen, about it dying and she told me that Crotons are known as being fickle and that they come back. Sure enough, check out that new growth. Amazing. I’m so thankful I didn’t throw it away.

Well that’s it, folks! Girls will be coming out of nap time soon and hopefully we can all enjoy a fun & family-filled weekend #4 in confinement!

Joy to your World







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  1. Fred permalink
    April 3, 2020 3:20 pm

    So glad you’re posting again!❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤🤍🤎❣️💕💞💓💗💖💘💝💟

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